- Simple content management
- 5000+ modules
- 500 000+ www sites
- 15 years of development
- Open source
- Most of our projects is realized in Typo3
- We are an implementation partner of TrustPay payment system that integrates
- 13 Countries of central and eastern Europe
- 11 Different currencies
- credit cards VISA a MasterCard
- 105 million potential customers
- Safe and fast receiving payments from your clients.
- With a single integration, you will be able to receive payments from 13 countries in Central and Eastern Europe in 11 currencies from 105 million potential customers. And get your funds immediately, without waiting a few hours or days.
About us
- effective team
- creative ideas
- effort to grow personally and labor
- We are a company founded in 2008 on years of experience of its founders in the field of web presentations.
- The website nowadays is no longer a competitive advantage but a marketing necessity. Therefore, our company focuses on high quality Internet solutions based on TYPO3 CMS system.
- Customer gets full control over the management of their website content and reduces the cost of administering it also saves time, any information you can change on your page at any time.
- RunIT, s.r.o.
Vyšehradská 23, 851 06 Bratislava - Office:
+ 421 917 620 201, office(a)runit.sk - CEO: Mgr. Miloš Homola
+ 421 907 460 004, homola(a)runit.sk
- Typo3
- Wordpress
- jQuery
- Linux
- Apache
- grafika
- web stránok, banerov, letákov,...
- web sites
- e-shops
- online payments
- connect to the accounting system
- mobile versions
- e-shops
- internet marketing
- SEO - Search Engine Optimization
- good search engine placement is as important as Website quality
- Facebookové application
- interests of their customers a fun way for the largest social network
- Google mapy
- allow much more than just show the address to customer
- graphics
- web pages, banners, flyers, ...
- web site
- e-shops
- online payments
- connect to the accounting system
- mobile versions
- e-shops
- SEO - Search Engine Optimization
- good search engine placement is as important as Website quality
- a facebook application
- interests of their customers a fun way for the largest social network
- Google maps
- allow much more than just show the address to customer
- about Typo3
- about SEO optimazation
- about User Experience
- and similar www themes
- ... will be
- first work then fun
Not yet started, but will